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Cure CMD Awarded MDA Advocacy Grant

Updated: Jun 4

Cure CMD is excited to be a recipient of the Muscular Dystrophy Association's 2023 Advocacy Collaboration grant. This award will be used to expand our grassroots advocacy programs and strategy, and is part of MDA’s work to promote and support key public policy and advocacy initiatives to empower those living with neuromuscular conditions to live more independent lives. In the spirit of MDA's commitment to collaboration, Cure CMD is proud to be part of this program to facilitate impactful and cooperative rare disease advocacy.

We congratulate our fellow grantees in this innovative model: All Wheels Up, Cure Rare Disease, OPMD Association, and Tufts University Medical Center (Dr. James Chambers and team).

Lani Knutson, Cure CMD Advocacy Team Lead, says, "The voices of the CMD community have the power to bring about positive change, both locally and nationally. This grant will enable us to create programs and tools to equip the CMD community to advocate for their needs."

“With these grants, the Muscular Dystrophy Association is thrilled to contribute to innovative policy and advocacy initiatives at our partnering organizations that will hopefully lead to better treatments, care, and accessibility for the neuromuscular disease community. As a convener and leader for over 70 years in support of the neuromuscular community, MDA’s Advocacy Collaboration Grants program aims to facilitate impactful and cooperative advocacy projects and initiatives, since no individual organization can solve for every challenge or remove every barrier faced by individuals and families across the neuromuscular community,” said Paul Melmeyer, Vice President, Public Policy and Advocacy, MDA.

Applications for the program were announced in 2022 for MDA to collaborate with organizations focused on non-partisan, non-political advocacy initiatives to achieve legislative and public policy victories for the neuromuscular community at the federal, state, local level.

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