Terry Selucky

Nov 9, 20212 min

Cure CMD Welcomes New Faces to the Board of Directors, Begins Transition for Others

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

Cure CMD is fortunate to have a dedicated Board of Directors, many who have been on the organization's governance committee since its inception in 2008. Over the last 13 years, we've grown from a small, volunteer-led organization to a leader among patient advocacy groups, continuously seeding new and groundbreaking grants. Our time as an organization has taught us that though change can be difficult, it can also be positive, allowing for new energy and ideas. For our members who are stepping down, we are so grateful to you and look forward to engaging with you as community and family members. For those of you who are new or stepping into new roles, we are excited to work more closely with you!

All Cure CMD Board members are elected to a three-year term and have the option to renew membership.

If you're interested in learning more about the Board of Directors, reach out to info@curecmd.org.

Patrick May, co-founder of Cure CMD, has been Treasurer since the organization's inception in 2008, and President since 2016. Pat's leadership grew Cure CMD from a small start-up non-profit in 2008 to an organization that has funded over $3 million in research grants, launched two clinical trials, and grew the CMDIR to more than 3,000 registrants. Pat will continue as our Treasurer, but has stepped down as President. Cure CMD is grateful for all of Pat's contributions, and look forward to the May family's continued community engagement.

Robert Sunris was elected President of Cure CMD's Board of Directors in October, 2021. The Sunris family joined the Cure CMD community in 2017, and joined the Board in 2019, having since served on the Executive Committee. Rob said, "It is an honor and privilege to take this role, knowing that a fantastic staff and board surround me." Rob looks forward to helping Cure CMD continue to deliver on Cure CMD's mission to advance research and improve the lives of those living with CMD.

Mindy Roberts has joined Cure CMD's Board of Directors as of October, 2021, and brings her organizational development and human resources expertise to our leadership team. Mindy became involved with Cure CMD in 2014 when her daughter was diagnosed with CMD. She and her family have advocated for the rare disease community on Capitol Hill and look forward to continuing their efforts in the future. Mindy also volunteers as part of Cure CMD's Outreach Team to connect community members to each other for support.

Sara Bloomfield has stepped down from the Board of Directors after serving for three years, but plans to remain an active community member and volunteer. We are grateful for the Bloomfield family's contributions and leadership over many years of service to Cure CMD.